Southern Caucasian Students’ Perceptions of Turkey and Turkish People

This study aims to measure and analyze the perceptions and attitudes of South Caucasian students, who have been educating in Turkish higher education institutions, on Turkey before and after their arrival in Turkey within the framework of the “soft power” mentality, that Turkey has recently opted for. Via the survey establishing the core of this study, it is intended to measure whether there is a change of perception on Turkey before and after the students’ arrival in Turkey, and if there is a change of perception, this study tries to understand the direction of it. Moreover, this study also targets to put forward the common values between Turkey and South Caucasian countries, as well as to advise on what can be done to develop cooperation in the field of education and to strengthen the cultural ties and, additionally, social memory among regional countries. In other words, this study intends to put forward whether the South Caucasian students’ perception of Turkey has progressively developed during their stay in Turkey.

Southern Caucasian Students’ Perceptions of Turkey and Turkish People

This study aims to measure and analyze the perceptions and attitudes of South Caucasian students, who have been educating in Turkish higher education institutions, on Turkey before and after their arrival in Turkey within the framework of the “soft power” mentality, that Turkey has recently opted for. Via the survey establishing the core of this study, it is intended to measure whether there is a change of perception on Turkey before and after the students’ arrival in Turkey, and if there is a change of perception, this study tries to understand the direction of it. Moreover, this study also targets to put forward the common values between Turkey and South Caucasian countries, as well as to advise on what can be done to develop cooperation in the field of education and to strengthen the cultural ties and, additionally, social memory among regional countries. In other words, this study intends to put forward whether the South Caucasian students’ perception of Turkey has progressively developed during their stay in Turkey.


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