Scorpion-shaped pancreas together with an arterial variation complex

Scorpion-shaped pancreas together with an arterial variation complex

There is a range of well-described anatomic variations and developmental anomalies of the pancreas in the literature.Although some of these variations are extremely uncommon, knowledge of these abnormalities is essential for avoiding misdiagnosis and managing pancreatic pathologies clinically. In this paper, we present an anatomical variation observed duringthoracoabdominal CT examination of a 33-year-old female. This patient presented with left chest pain and had undergonesplenectomy six years ago and left thoracotomy one year ago, both for hydatid cyst. The case showed that the tail of pancreas raised upward and then anteriorly, resembling the tail of a scorpion, and was accompanied by a right hepatic arterythat originated from the superior mesenteric artery and a left accessory renal artery. Because no similar case has been reported in the available literature, our opinion is that physicians should also be familiar with scorpion-shaped pancreas that canbe termed as 'pancreas scorpiforme' anatomically


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