Correction: (P-135) Double enamel pearl whit buds: a case report

Author names for abstract of poster presentation published in Volume 10, Supplement 2, September 2016, page 178 – P-135 “Double enamel pearl whit buds: a case report” is erroneously published as: Özkan G1, Akkoç RF1, Demirdaş K2,Ögetürk M1. Corrected version is as follows: Özkan G1, Akkoç RF1, Demirdafl K2, Artaş G3, Ögetürk M1.


  • Özkan G, Akkoç RF, Demirdaş K, Artaş G, Ögetürk M. Double enamel pearl whit buds: a case report. An International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy 2016;10:178.