A Review on Hypoglycemic Effects of the Urtica dioica L. and Punica granatum L. Plants
A Review on Hypoglycemic Effects of the Urtica dioica L. and Punica granatum L. Plants
Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by insulin resistance, impaired insulin secretion, or
increased blood sugar resulting from the development of both. This disease has four forms depending on type 1, type
2, gestational diabetes and special causes. Type 2 diabetes results in the loss of body cells' ability to respond to
insulin, starting with high blood sugar. This disease is important due to its widespread occurrence in the world, high
treatment costs and no exact treatment yet. In this review, knowledge will be given about the hypoglycemic effects
of Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) and Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) plants grown in our country.
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