Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folate, Iron and Creatine Kinase in Multiple Sclerotic Patients Who Smoke

Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folate, Iron and Creatine Kinase in Multiple Sclerotic Patients Who Smoke

It was aimed to investigate how vitamin D, B12, Folate, Iron and Creatine Kinase levels may change in patients with multiple sclerosis who smoke. For this purpose, the importance of vitamin D, B12, folate and iron in Multiple Sclerosis patients will be emphasized, and the contribution of the changes in the amount of these substances to the pathogenesis of the disease will be discussed. Multiple Sclerosis is a multi-factor autoimmune disease with a long and costly treatment process that seriously reduces the quality of life. Smoking, an important pathogen, is a preventable cause of death. Vitamin D is an important vitamin hormone that regulates calcium metabolism. Vitamin B12 and Folate are essential molecules for cognitive functions as well as nucleotide metabolism. Iron, which creates anemia in its deficiency and toxic effect by accumulating in excess, is one of the essential elements for human health. Creatine kinase is an enzyme found in many tissues that provides a practical way of energy reserve and utilization. As a result, we think that smoking may contribute negatively to the formation of Multiple Sclerosis and the disease process, with its effect of both initiating and increasing inflammation and reducing anti-inflammatory.


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