Investigation of Anti-Tumor Effect in Neuroblastoma Cell Line; Amlodipine & Metformin

Investigation of Anti-Tumor Effect in Neuroblastoma Cell Line; Amlodipine & Metformin

Background: Neuroblastoma is the most common cranial solid tumor in children. In recent years, scientists have begun to investigate the effect of drugs used to treat other diseases on various types of cancer. Metformin is a popular antihyperglycemic drug. Metformin inhibits glucose uptake by affecting the AMPK metabolism of tumor cells that use glucose for energy. Amlodipine, on the other hand, is a calcium channel blocker and governs Ca2+, which have important role of the cell cycle and metabolism. The purpose of this study; success of amlodipine to increase the effect of metformin against neuroblastoma cell line. Methodology/Main findings: In this study, we prepare the cancer cell line in the proper cell culture medium. Drug doses of metformin (10, 20 and 40 ug), Amlodipine (10 mM), Metformin (10, 20 and 40 ug) + Amlodipine (10 Mm) were administered to NBL cancer cell lines for 24 hours. MTT cell viability test, flow cytometry, total oxidant status, and total antioxidant capacity test were performed 24 hours after the application. Conclusion: The study showed that the combination of high doses of Metformin and amlodipine significantly reduced cell proliferation and antioxidant status compared to control and other groups. Apoptosis levels in combination group are higher than the pure MET and AML groups. When amlodipine was administered alone, there was no antitumor activity in the neuroblastoma cell line, however, metformin was determined to increase antitumor activity.


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