A rare subtype of migraine, Migraine with brainstem aura: A case report

A rare subtype of migraine, Migraine with brainstem aura: A case report

Migraine is considered the prototype of primary headaches, but migraine isn't just about headaches. Migraine is a set of symptoms in which many visual, autonomic, sensory, and motor complaints are seen. While the classical type of migraine presents with headache attacks, many migraine subtypes with different symptomatology have been described. In this article, we present a 37-year-old female patient who presented with complaints of vertigo, dysarthria, and numbness in the face and who was diagnosed with migraine with brainstem aura at the end of the evaluations. After getting the diagnosis, our patient was given migraine prophylaxis treatment, and her attacks ended. We wanted to remind readers in our article that migraine patients can present with a variety of neurological symptoms other than headache.


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