George RİTZER, Büyüsü Bozulmuş Dünyayı Büyülemek

Ritzer’in yedi bölümden oluşan eserinin amacı, insanları tüketime yönlendiren ve hatta zorlayan mekânları tarihsel perspektifte değerlendirerek ele almaktır. Tüm dünyaya yayılarak zaman ve sınır tanımayan bu mekânların, 20.yy’ın ikinci yarısından itibaren tüm dünyaya hâkim olduğunu ve üretimin hâkim olduğu bir toplumdan, tüketimin hâkim olduğu bir topluma geçişin sebep ve sonuçlarının ele alındığı bu kitapta, tüketim katedrali olarak ifade edilen büyük lüks gemiler, alışveriş merkezleri, restoranlar, kumarhaneler ve tema parklarına dikkat çekilmektedir.


In the process of the First World War, Bulgaria and the Ottoman State did not consider entering the war, but followed the policy of neutrality. Already in the period when the parties declared war on each other (July-August 1914), both countries declared to the world public that they were neutral. However, when the battle began, Germany accelerated Ottoman State’s entry into the war with the effect of positive diplomatic communication among them and the contribution of senior officials working in the field of military affairs as well as diplomacy with in the state enterprise. (August 2, 1914 secret agreement) The Ottoman State officially participated in the war with the manifesto of Sultan Mehmed Reşad on 11 November 1914.Bulgaria extended the process of neutrality until 6 September 1915 in order to provide the best conditions. The alliance between the Ottoman Empire and the Bulgarian state passed through a diplomatic process under Germany's concealed alliance agreement dated August 19, 1914 between the two states and the border-setting agreement dated September 3, 1915. This alliance was realized by German control and forced by the Ottoman Empire's land concessions. It isn’t known why relationship between Bulgaria and Ottoman State corrupted near the end of the war for both countries. The issue to be addressed in the light of Bulgarian archive documents will be shaped by diplomatic and military telegrams and interpreted with the help of domestic and foreign sources. 


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