ÖZETUzaktan eğitim, eğitmen ve öğrencinin farklı mekanlarda bulunduğu, öğrencinin kendi isteğiyle etkin olarak eğitime katıldığı bir eğitim deneyimidir. Günümüzde dünyada uzaktan eğitim yoluyla öğretim yapan birçok üniversite bulunmaktadır. Ancak ülkemizde uzaktan eğitimin hemşirelik eğitiminde kullanılması oldukça sınırlıdır. Bununla birlikte hemşirelik eğitiminde, öğrencilere becerileri öğretme ve becerilere ilişkin yetkinlik kazandırmada, teorik ve pratik eğitimin eşit öneme sahip olduğu unutulmamalıdır. Bu nedenle uzaktan eğitim, hemşirelik eğitimi için tek başına kullanılacak bir yöntem olmak yerine, örgün öğretimi destekleyen, hasta güvenliğini sağlayan, yaşam boyu öğrenmeyi pekiştiren ve fırsat eşitliği sağlayan bir yöntem olarak değerlendirilmeli ve bu şekliyle kullanımı yaygınlaştırılmalıdır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Uzaktan eğitim; hemşirelik eğitimi ABSTRACTAn Overview Of Nursing Education To Distance Education ConceptDistance education, where teachers and students in different locations, with the participation of the student's education as an effective educational experience at your request. Nowadays, many universities around the world teaches through distance education. The use of distance education in nursing education in our country is quite limited, however. Nursing education, teaching students the skills and competence for gaining skills, equal importance should be noted that theoretical and practical training. For this reason, distance education should be used as a method for support patient safety, provide lifelong learning, instead of being a stand-alone method for nursing education and the usage of this form should be expanded.Keywords: Distance education; nursing education

An Overview Of Nursing Education To Distance Education Concept Distance education, where teachers and students in different locations, with the participation of the student's education as an effective educational experience at your request. Nowadays, many universities around the world teaches through distance education. The use of distance education in nursing education in our country is quite limited, however. Nursing education, teaching students the skills and competence for gaining skills, equal importance should be noted that theoretical and practical training. For this reason, distance education should be used as a method for support patient safety, provide lifelong learning, instead of being a stand-alone method for nursing education and the usage of this form should be expanded


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