Credibility based chance constrained programming for project scheduling with fuzzy activity durations
Credibility based chance constrained programming for project scheduling with fuzzy activity durations
This paper proposes a credibility based chance constrained programmingapproach for project scheduling problems with fuzzy activity durations where theobjective is to minimize the fuzzy project completion time. This paper expressesthe fuzzy events such as a project activity’s duration or project completion timewith fuzzy chance constraints and the chance of a fuzzy event is illustrated withfuzzy credibility distribution. Due to uncertainty in durations of a project, fuzzysets and fuzzy numbers can be used in order to illustrate the uncertainty and finda solution space for the problem. Therefore, fuzzy credibility based chanceconstraint technique is investigated for project scheduling problems with fuzzyactivity durations considering the uncertainty or chance of a fuzzy event within aclosed interval. In this paper, a fuzzy mathematical model and its crispequivalent by using credibility measure and chance-constrained programming aregiven for project scheduling problems with fuzzy activity durations.
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