Turkey and Iran Rivalry on Syria

The bomb eventually goes off. The Arabs refute the conception, especially widespread in the West, that their religion or culture hampers democracy. Though the Arab movement towards democracy comes late, it becomes crystal clear Arab peoples can achieve what peoples already achieved in Latin America or Eastern Europe. The so-called 'Arab Spring' takes place when several regimes in the Arab world mirror inability to meet the rising expectations of population in the era of globalization. Arabs today want to vote, speak freely, and participate in the country's life. They appear not to still allow authoritarianism suppress the universal human rights. On the contrary, they prove ability to defend their interests and democratize. The Arab despots have for decades maintained complete monopolization over the state; spinning a Para-family structure over the power. The Syrian regime is by no elucidation exceptional. The regime has controlled the army, the security services, and the economy. The power has been employed for the merit of the regime. The record of the interaction between the regime and population in Syria tells massacres, deprivation of citizenship, single-party systemâŠetc. These reasons helped to move the spark of the 'Arab-Spring' into Syria. Millions have for months taken into streets chanting loudly and heatedly for transformation. They are on streets to witness the regime vigorously struggles to contain and shut them up. As the Syrian regime cracks down the protests, it faces increasing pressure from international and regional forces. Several Western states, led by the United States, called on the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step aside after he paid a deaf ear to constant calls to respond the demands of his people. On the other hand, several Arab countries re-called their ambassadors from Damascus for similar reasons. Turkey and Iran have since the beginning of the protests acted cautiously. Tehran and Ankara are two players of particular concerns and significance on the Syrian case. Being empire's descendants and influence aspirants, Damascus solicits vital opportunities for Ankara and Tehran's strategic priorities. However, the situation in Syria is now a zero-sum game since the interests of Turkey and Iran do not converge, in some sense. This thinking propelled Turkey and Iran to have important instruments invested in making their agendas successful vis-à-vis each other.