The Establishment of A Minimum Income Support Focused on Employment In Turkey in the Context of European Union Applications

The Establishment of A Minimum Income Support Focused on Employment In Turkey in the Context of European Union Applications

The economic crises, which accompany the globalization process, have caused an increase in problems such as poverty, unemployment and social exclusion. The severe social-economic conditions experienced have resulted in a profound crisis in the social security systems. One of the methods to resolve this matter is the ‘minimum income support’. The minimum income support assistance has been implemented in European Union (EU) countries for long years in a comprehensive context and some policymakers and academicians believe that this application could be an example for Turkey. On the other hand, it has been observed that EU countries are having a hard time allocating resources to the social welfare area, which is why activation issues (activities steering recipients of social assistance to employment) have been encountered more and more often on the agenda especially since the early 2000’s. The ‘minimum income support’ application is not available in Turkey; however, there are ‘similar’ applications. On the other hand, it has been believed that social transfers and specifically ‘minimum income support’ may be an effective method to fight poverty in Turkey as they are in EU countries. The minimum income support should be provided on condition of activation the way it is applied in the EU.


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