Inventory of the Islamic Economics and Finance Studies Carried Out in Turkey and Its Evaluation

Inventory of the Islamic Economics and Finance Studies Carried Out in Turkey and Its Evaluation

The beginning of economics as a modern discipline corresponds to the period of the industrial revolution in the late 18th century. This Western originated discipline or the capitalist economic ideology has since impacted the world and become the global system in the 20th century. On the other hand, reactions against modern economic thought have emerged both within the capitalist paradigm and from outsiders as a holistic rejection to it. It is observed that today, the ideas put forward on the criticism of modern economic discipline and the written works are at the center of attention. In this context, the term “Islamic Economics” has begun to be put forward in a wide range as an alternative system with its scientific foundations.In this paper, as a literature review of the Islamic economics and finance studies in Turkey, the causes and the process of emergence of Islamic economics, the approaches towards it, and conceptual discussions of Islamic economics were discussed. In addition, people, foundations, associations, and universities in Turkey studying about Islamic economics and finance, as well as works, seminars, and conferences in this field were examined. This article is intended to put forward the course of works in Turkey towards Islamic economics and finance, which has increasing importance from the mid-twentieth century to the present day. In this context, the studies in the literature were examined, the source screening method was used, the inventory of the studies was established, and an evaluation is made. As a result of the study, it has been revealed that Islamic economics is open to development, development potential is high, and the interest in the subject is in an increasing trend.


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