İletişim sırasında kişiler arasındaki bilgi aktarımının sağlamasında konuşucunun veya yazarın bilginin kaynağına ve güvenilirlik derecesine ilişkin kişisel duygu, inanç ve tutumunu belirtme işlevini yerine getiren dilsel düzeneklere tanıtlama belirticileri denmektedir. Bazı dillerde yalnızca bu işlevi yerine getirmek üzere dilbilgiselleşmiş yapılar bulunmasına karşın diğer pek çok dilde başka işlevleri yerine getiren dilsel düzenekler aynı zamanda tanıtlama işlevi de görmektedir. Türkçede de ikinciye benzer bir durum söz konusudur. Bu çalışmada tanıtlama işlevinin ne olduğu belirlendikten sonra bu işlevi hangi dilsel düzeneklerin yerine getirdiği Türkçede yapılan çalışmaların ışığında saptanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu anlamda, bu çalışmanın Türkçede tanıtlama işlevi gören dilsel düzenekleri listeleyen ilk çalışma olduğu söylenebilir.

Linguistic Devices Marking The Attitude Towards The Source of Knowledge In Turkish

The main objective of communication is to transfer knowledge among people. During this transfer the speaker or writer also transfers some clues revealing his/her personal feelings, beliefs and attitude related to the source and reliability of the knowledge. This phenomenon of marking source and reliability, which is performed with different linguistic devices and grammatical structures in different languages, is called ‘evidentiality’. Although there are grammaticalized linguistic structures to serve only as evidential markers in some languages, in many other languages linguistic devices used for other functions fulfill evidential functions as well. The latter case is also true for Turkish. In this study after defining what evidentiality is, it is tried to determine which linguistic devices are used for this function with the help of the studies carried out in Turkish so far. In this sense, it is possible to say that this study is to first to index the linguistic devices with evidential meaning in Turkish.


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Table The Linguistic Devices that can Code Evidentiality in Turkish and Their Functions. As seen in the table while the same evidential function can be fulfilled with different linguistic devices, the same linguistic devise can fulfill more than one evidential function. Therefore, to understand what evidential function a linguistic device serves it is necessary to take the context into consideration. Conclusion It is seen that the function of evidentiality in Turkish is generally coded with modality suffixes, modality adjectives, modality adverbs and verbs and verb phrases having a lexical content as showing evidence or inference. It is possible to say that this study is the first to index the linguistic devices that serve as evidential markers in Turkish. Key words: evidentiality, evidential marker, modality