A Survey Study on Self-Evaluations of Small Pet Practitioners about Exotic Pets in Istanbul in 2016

Exotic pet animal ownership is on the rise all over the world. Regardless of being companion animals which are important subjects in veterinary medicine, they also play a role in the transmission of diseases to other animals and human beings. Therefore, veterinarians are expected to have the knowledge and good practice in exotic pet medicine. This survey was performed among small animal practitioners with the aim of identifying their self-evaluation of competency and knowledge about the exotic pet medicine in Istanbul. As a data collection tool, a three-part questionnaire developed by the researchers was used in the current study. The first part of the survey covered demographic variables of respondents; the second part consisted of 6 questions, which examine the self-evaluation of small animal practitioners on competency and knowledge about the exotic pet medicine practice. The third part consisted of 8 Likert type questions about the husbandry, transmission, prevention, diagnosis and therapy of the diseases for the four different exotic pets including fish, turtle, other reptiles and bird. The results showed that approximately 80% of the respondents consider that exotic pet disease is essential regarding veterinary medicine. Thirty-five percent of the veterinarian said that they were not sure about “what is an exotic pet disease” while, 53% of them responded that question, as they did not have any knowledge about the exotic pet diseases. For the 91.4% of the clinics investigated, the exotic animals as a patient were 1-10% or less than 1% of all the patients. It has shown that 42.4%, 32%, 16.9%, and 8.7% of the exotic pets’ species examined were birds, turtles, the other reptiles, and 8.7% fish, respectively. Ninety percent of the veterinarians consider that they did not get enough education about the exotic pet animal practice during their undergraduate study at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Istanbul. It has been determined that more than half of the participants (65%) were considered themselves as having adequate knowledge of the husbandry, transmission, prevention, diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of the birds. However, they did not have enough experience about turtle, other reptiles and fish. As a conclusion, the results indicated the importance of education, specialisation and practice on potential exotic pet species.


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