The Role of The Indonesian Army in Fulfilling Low Income Housing Need: A Case Study of The Magelang City Scavenger Community with Bank Jateng’s Corporate Social Responsibility
The Role of The Indonesian Army in Fulfilling Low Income Housing Need: A Case Study of The Magelang City Scavenger Community with Bank Jateng’s Corporate Social Responsibility
Overcoming the housing construction stagnation of the Gumuk Sepiring Scavenger Community in Magelang City - Indonesia for several years, Magelang Municipality as local government collaborated with the Indonesian Army for solving the construction process by utilizing Bank Jateng’s Corporate Social Responsibility budget. This research was intended to find out the role of the Indonesian Army in giving assistance for the housing construction implementation, especially for Low-Income Community in Gumuk Sepiring. The research used qualitative research method with persuasive writing. This study found that the existence of the Indonesian Army accelerated the implementation of house construction with several actions and steps facing unplanned situation and difficult terrain. The Indonesian Army also established the unexplored skills of the scavenger community members. Therefore, the Indonesian Army existence will be able to fulfil Indonesian low-income community housing need.
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