Greenwashing in Turkey: Sustainability as an Advertising Strategy in Architecture

As a result of the depletion of natural resources, destruction of green areas, loss of ecosystemand consequent shrinkage of habitable areas, the concept of “sustainability” has become an importantparameter at all stages in architectural discipline as in all fields. However, in some cases this notion hasstarted to transform into an advertising tool developed to feed consumption due to its structure beingopen to interpretation, its current value and its lack of adequate supervision. Sustainability has threeaspects that are economic, social and physical. Apart from the successful architectural designs that takeall the values of sustainability into account, the concept has also been used as a popular culture item thatenables the projects to come forward and be preferred by people. In this study, the phenomenon of“greenwashing” was examined and five architectural projects from Turkey with the claim ofsustainability were evaluated within the criteria of three sustainability scopes.


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