Experience Practical of the blunt abdominal trauma with a late spontaneous rupture of the spleen

The article presents our own observation of the case of belated spontaneous rupture of the spleen in a 15years old child. A splenic rupture begins on the eighth day after injury. Suddenly, clinical signs of massive intra-abdominal hemorrhage have appeared against a background of complete well-being. The rupture of splenic capsule was found out during the revision of abdominal cavity organs. Laparotomy and splenectomy were performed. The postoperative period proceeded without complications, the patient was discharged home in satisfactory condition.

Experience Practical of the blunt abdominal trauma with a late spontaneous rupture of the spleen

The article presents our own observation of the case of belated spontaneous rupture of the spleen in a 15years old child. A splenic rupture begins on the eighth day after injury. Suddenly, clinical signs of massive intra-abdominal hemorrhage have appeared against a background of complete well-being. The rupture of splenic capsule was found out during the revision of abdominal cavity organs. Laparotomy and splenectomy were performed. The postoperative period proceeded without complications, the patient was discharged home in satisfactory condition.


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