Foucault’nun Yöntemi: Hakikatin Söylemsel İnşasının Arkeolojisi ve Soykütüğü

Foucault’s Method: The Archeology and Genealogy of Discursive Construction of Truth

The purpose of this paper is to examine archeological method and genealogical approach that Foucaultrefers to as both a method and a strategy. Portraying power-knowledge relations as the essence ofmodern society and discourse, Foucault extensively studied dominant discourses in Western thoughtsince 16th century through archeological method. By means of archeological method, the researchercould delve into the roots of dominant discourse functioned within culture. Archeology, in thisframework, is a practice or “archive” science in Foucault’s work. Taking archeology as a field of research,Foucault not only examines meaning or reality, but also examines the historical a priori or possibilities,existence and transformations of discourses as they acquire a positive character. Archeology, throughthe description of conditions or rules, tries to “make visible invisible that things are not visible inthe surface”. The genealogy, in the sense of history of present, investigates how we have constituted,recognized and accepted ourselves as subjects.


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