Dasycladacean Algae From the Mesozoic Carbonate Facies of the Sarız-Tufanbeyli Autochthon (Kayseri, SE Turkey)

 Some levels of the Mesozoic carbonates of the Sanz-Tufanbeyli area yield abundant dasycladacean algae which are useful parameters to define the chronostratigraphic position and depositional environment of these sequences. The following forms identified in the carbonate sequences of the Mesozoic are typical to subdivide these levels : Griphoporella curuata Gümbel, Diplopora sp. in the Upper Triassic; Selliporella donzellii Sartoni and Crescenti in the Dogger; Macroporella sellii Crescenti, Clypeina jurassica Favre and Campbelliella striata (Carozzi) in the Malm; Salpingoporella annulata Carozzi, Salpingoporella steinhauseri Conrad, Praturlon and Radoicic, Salpingoporella pygmaea (Gümbel), Munieria baconica (Carozzi), Clypeina? solkani Conrad and Radoicic in the Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian); Salpingoporella dinarica Radoicic, Salpingoporella hasi Conrad, Radoicic and Rey in the Aptian-Albian and Heteroporella lepina Praturlon in the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian). In addition to these forms, many other algal species have been sporadically recognized in these levels. 



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