ÖZETGünümüzde tüm alanlarda olduğu gibi coğrafya alanında da hızlı gelişmeler yaşanmakta ve çeşitli konularda uzmanlaşmalar artmaktadır.  Ayrıca son dönemlerde ticaret, ulaştırma, lojistik ve coğrafya daha sıklıkla yan yana kullanılmaya başlamıştır. Bu alanların kesişme noktasında yer alan lojistik coğrafyası ise değer kazanan başka bir alandır. Bu nedenle “lojistik coğrafyası nedir? Sorusu akla gelmektedir. Lojistik coğrafyasının özelliği, dünyanın farklı bölgeleri arasında gerçekleşen lojistik faaliyetleri, coğrafya bilimi verilerine göre ele alması ve coğrafyanın yeryüzünde dağılış prensibi doğrultusunda sebep ve sonuçları ile ortaya koymasıdır. Dolayısı ile lojistik coğrafyası, lojistik konusunu ele alırken mekânsal ilişki perspektifinden yaklaşmakta ve buna göre değerlendirmelerde bulunmaktadır. Nitekim dünya coğrafyası ölçeğinde ele alındığında, hammadde ve ürünlerin yeryüzüne eşit olarak dağılmadığı görülmektedir. Bu nedenle mal alış verişinin gerçekleşmesi için ticaret ve nakliye faaliyetlerine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Diğer yandan lojistik faaliyetler için yer seçimi ve nakliye önemli bir unsurdur. Bu yönü ile bir lojistik tesisin kurulacağı yer belirlenirken dikkat edilmesi gereken coğrafi faktörler önem kazanmaktadır. Ayrıca nakliye hizmetlerinin uygun şekilde gerçekleştirilmesi sonucunda hammadde ve ürünler, gerek duyulan zamanda ve istenilen mekânda olabilmektedir. Lojistik coğrafyası bu konuları da kendi bakış açısı ile ele almaktadır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Coğrafya, Lojistik, Lojistik Coğrafyası, Nakliye ve Yer SeçimiABSTRACTLike in any other fields today, one may see rapid developments and increasing specializations in different ways even in the field of geography. Furthermore, the terms of business, transportation, logistics and geography are more frequently interlaced and used side by side. In this context, the logistic geography becomes more important in the crossing point of trade, transportation and logistics activities. The logistic geography involves any logistic activities realized among different regions across the world on the basis of the scientific geographical data, and presents them with the causes and consequences in line with the global distribution of principles of the geography. Hence, the logistic geography approaches the logistics in the perspective of the spatial relations, and makes evaluations accordingly. Indeed, it is understood that the raw materials and products are not equally distributed across the world, if they are considered in the scale of the world geography. Therefore, trade and transport activities and hence the logistic supports are needed. On the other hand, the site selection and transport services become more important for the logistic services. In turn, the factors in selecting a plant site gain importance. By the way, particular attention should be paid to accurately render transport services to forward the raw materials and products at the right place and under the most appropriate conditions. Logistics geography, these issues are addressed with own perspective as well.Keywords: Geography, Logistic, Logistic Geography, Transportation, Site Selection


Like in any other fields today, one may see rapid developments and increasing specializations in different ways even in the field of geography. Furthermore, the terms of business, transportation, logistics and geography are more frequently interlaced and used side by side. In this context, the logistic geography becomes more important in the crossing point of trade, transportation and logistics activities. The logistic geography involves any logistic activities realized among different regions across the world on the basis of the scientific geographical data, and presents them with the causes and consequences in line with the global distribution of principles of the geography. Hence, the logistic geography approaches the logistics in the perspective of the spatial relations, and makes evaluations accordingly. Indeed, it is understood that the raw materials and products are not equally distributed across the world, if they are considered in the scale of the world geography. Therefore, trade and transport activities and hence the logistic supports are needed. On the other hand, the site selection and transport services become more important for the logistic services. In turn, the factors in selecting a plant site gain importance. By the way, particular attention should be paid to accurately render transport services to forward the raw materials and products at the right place and under the most appropriate conditions. Logistics geography, these issues are addressed with own perspective as well.


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