Determination of Relationships of Nurses’ Professional Commitment to Organizational, Work and Family Commitment by Structural Equation Model

Öz The commitment forms of individuals regarding theirprivate and work lives have been subject to variousresearches in an independent or interactive way. Inthis study, a model has been developed and tested fordefining the relationship between the nurses’ professionalcommitment and organizational, work and familycommitment. The study was conducted with the nursesemployed in 7 state hospitals with 500 or over bed capacityand 3 medicine faculties under the body of AnkaraMinistry of Health through questionnaires. 355 nurseswere chosen via proportional distribution methodin stratified sampling. The relationship between workcommitment scale and continuance commitment partof the organizational commitment scale and the relationshipbetween family commitment scale and professionalcommitment scale are not significant. Except forthe correlation between professional commitment scaleand affective commitment part of the organizationalcommitment scale, the correlations are quite weak.


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