This article focuses on the diverging and converging interests of the European  Union and Russia on  Eurasian  Project  especially concerning the great game on energy politics just after the Cold War. It was discussed the post-Soviet era political relations between the EU and Russia within the axis of the Commonwealth of the Independent States. While the Caucasus had become  the new "Black Silk Road" where the transportation  routed  for oil and gas from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea and marketed  in Europe, the perception  in the region was that whoever control the Caucasus would control the pipelines. Russia had made clear that the Caucasus and Central Asia was one of its top strategic priorities. The oil and gas reserves of t he  Eurasia was vital  to Western geo-strategic and economic interests too. So democracy  based pubIic diplomacy of the European  Union  has insisted that they have the potential  to secure prosperity and economic growth bolstered by low oil  prices. ln addition, these resources were key to ensu ring revenues and the sovereignty of the Newly Independent States with  them. The wealth brought  by oil could  fuel both  economic and democratic development in Eurasia and fostered the independence and freedom of countries which served in turn as an obstacle to potential Russian  imperial expansion . On the other hand, how Russian imperialism in Eu rasian Project reacted his situation was also analysed. The R ussian  military and  political  stablishment was attempting to impose a sphere of  influence on the CIS and to secure control of the region's energy as well as Western  and regional  countries. Control over the region's energy resources and export routes out of the Eurasian hinterland was quickly becoming one of the central issues in the post-Cold War politics. Like the "Great Game" of the early 20'11 century, in which the geopolitical interests of the British  Empire and Russia had clashed over the Caucasus region and Central Asia, today's struggle between  Russia and the West turned  on who controls the oil  reserves  in Eurasia. The public d iplomacy of European Union was trying to ensure that Russia was not a dominant, but rather an equal partner in developing the oil resources of the region. EU wanted Russian oil and gas companies should be allowed to participate in the develop­ment of Eurasian energy resources on an equitable basis with other countries in the region. There was also a kind of coordination and cooperation between the EU and United States of America, much of their work  was done on the basis of the New Transatlantic Agenda.


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