Yöneticilerin Karar Alma Süreci Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Stratejik Yönetimin Dikkat Temelli Görüşü Çerçevesinde Bir Araştirma

The aim of this study is to examine the components that direct the attention of the managers in the decision making process. In the study, attention based view (ABV) which is one of the wiews of strategic management was used. In the research conducted with the method of multiple case studies, the data were collected with the help of interviews, observations and secondary data resources. Data analyzed by guided directed qualitative content analysis. According to findings reveal the formal / informal action and interaction rules, players, structural positions, and resources as components that affect executive attention. In separating state, university and private hospitals managers, in public hospitals emphasize the inadequacy of institutions that regulate formal / informal actions and interactions. Private hospitals, on the other hand, complain that the restrictions on publicity and advertising are not loosened within certain rules. Another finding shows the presence of context-specific actors such as politicians, bureaucrats, neighbours, compatriots, acquaintances and family members, which affect the executive attention, except for the actors mentioned in the components of ABV. Another finding reveals the effects of the structural positions or roles of managers on each other's attention. These effects are manifested in the forms of cooperation, competition, conflict and coalition relations. Finally, it is seen that human resources, physical resources, technological resources and financial resources affects positively or negatively the attention of managers of both state, university and private hospitals.

An Investigation on Decision Making Process of Managers: A Research in The Framework of Attention Based View of Strategic Management

The aim of this study is to examine the components that direct the attention of the managers in the decision making process. In the study, attention based view (ABV) which is one of the wiews of strategic management was used. In the research conducted with the method of multiple case studies, the data were collected with the help of interviews, observations and secondary data resources. Data analyzed by guided directed qualitative content analysis. According to findings reveal the formal / informal action and interaction rules, players, structural positions, and resources as components that affect executive attention. In separating state, university and private hospitals managers, in public hospitals emphasize the inadequacy of institutions that regulate formal / informal actions and interactions. Private hospitals, on the other hand, complain that the restrictions on publicity and advertising are not loosened within certain rules. Another finding shows the presence of context-specific actors such as politicians, bureaucrats, neighbours, compatriots, acquaintances and family members, which affect the executive attention, except for the actors mentioned in the components of ABV. Another finding reveals the effects of the structural positions or roles of managers on each other's attention. These effects are manifested in the forms of cooperation, competition, conflict and coalition relations. Finally, it is seen that human resources, physical resources, technological resources and financial resources affects positively or negatively the attention of managers of both state, university and private hospitals.


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  • ISSN: 1300-4646
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: Atatürk Üniversitesi İİBF
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