Ushbu maqolada gapning semantik-struktur munosabatida so‘zlar bog‘lashuvi, ularning amaliy va noamaliy mavqeyi masalasi, gapning qurilish ashyosi bo‘lgan so‘zning gap qurilishiga bevosita yoki bilvosita ta’siri, ya’ni markaz sifatida o‘z atrofida ma’lum bir leksemalarni birlashtirishi yoki kengaytiruvchi sifatida qurshov vazifasini bajarish masalasi tahlilga tortiladi. Sintaksisning fundamental muammolaridan biri pog‘onali sintaktik tahlil, sintaktik aloqalar tushunchalari, gap bo‘laklarining iyerarxiyasi, markaz qurshovlilik munosabatining sintaktik sathda namoyon bo‘lishi, sodda gaplarda markaz va qurshov munosabatining voqelanishi, gapning LSQida so‘zlar bog‘lashuvini tahlil qilish orqali aktantlarning gap qurilish sathidagi vaziyatini aniqlashtirish, gapning til bosqichidagi lisoniy gap bo‘laklari (takibiy qismlari) o‘rtasidagi semantik, grammatik bog‘lanishni oydinlashtirish gap va so‘z kengaytiruvchisining iyerxiyadagi maqomi masalasi yoritiladi.

Center and subordinate relationship in sentence and word expanders

In this article, the connection of words in the semantic-structural relation of the sentence, the question of their practical and non-practical position, the direct or indirect effect of the word, which is the construction material of the sentence, i.e. the issue of uniting certain lexemes around itself as a center or performing the function of subordine word as an expander will be analyzed. One of the fundamental problems of syntax which is step-by-step syntactic analysis, concepts of syntactic relations, hierarchy of clauses, the manifestation of the center-subordinate relationship at the syntactic level, the realization of the center-subordinate connection in simple sentences, clarifying the situation of actants at the level of sentence construction through the analysis of the connection of words in the linguistic syntactic pattern of the sentence (LSP), determination of the semantic and grammatical connection between the parts (components) of the linguistic sentence at the language stage of the sentence, the question of the status of sentence and word expander in hierarchy will be covered.


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