Stratejik Kültür Perspektifinden Kuzey Kore’nin Nükleer Programı

Bu çalışma stratejik kültür yaklaşımını, Kuzey Kore’nin nükleer programının incelenmesi için muhtemel bir analiz

North Korea’s Nuclear Program Through The Lens of Strategıc Culture

This paper presents an application of the concept of strategic culture as a possible way to analyze North Korea’snuclear program. The goal is to illustrate that the strategic culture approach is a useful method to understandNorth Korea’s determination to develop nuclear capability, demonstrating the link between culture and behaviorthrough Alastair Johnston’s methodology. The question of the formation of a North Korean strategic culture willbe scrutinized through scoring the speeches and written messages of three North Korean leaders in terms ofthe presence of key cultural assumptions. Then, it will accordingly suggest that North Korea’s strategic culture,affecting the practices of its security policy, leads this country toward an active defense strategy, which implies acredible nuclear deterrence.


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