Impact of light-emitting diode and compact fluorescent light source type and cage tier on layers reared in an enriched cage system Part 1: Production performance and egg quality

Impact of light-emitting diode and compact fluorescent light source type and cage tier on layers reared in an enriched cage system Part 1: Production performance and egg quality

This study’s aim was to investigate the effects of age, light source type (light-emitting diode (LED), and compact fluorescent(FLO)), and cage tier on production performance and egg quality traits of layers reared in the enriched cage system. A total of 800 NickChick White layers were used in the study. A total of 800 eggs were used for egg quality traits at 25 and 45 weeks of age. The enrichedcage tiers were coded as I, II, III, and IV from bottom to top. Layer age significantly affected egg mass, hen-day egg production rate,hen-house egg production rate, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, damaged egg ratio (P < 0.05), egg weight, shape index, shellthickness, albumen weight, yolk weight, shell weight, yolk color index, albumen ratio, yolk ratio, and shell ratio (P < 0.001). The higheregg mass, egg weight, albumen weight, yolk weight, shell thickness (P < 0.001), dirty egg ratio (P < 0.01), and lower FCR, yolk colorindex (P < 0.01), shell ratio (P < 0.01) were found in the FLO group when compared to the LED group (P < 0.05). Highest body weightwas found in cage tier I at 45 weeks of age (P < 0.001). Level of cage tier significantly affected 50% egg production age, egg mass, hendayegg production rate, hen-house egg production rate, and dirty egg ratio (P < 0.01). Level of cage tier significantly affected 5% eggproduction age, FCR, and shape index (P < 0.05). It can be concluded that the hens in the FLO group were better than the LED groupin terms of some production and egg quality traits.


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