COVID-19 outbreak control, example of ministry of health of Turkey

Our first COVID-19 case in Turkey was a 44-year-old male who referred to the hospital on March 9, 2020. The first related death occurred on March 17, 2020. Preparedness for the pandemic has been ongoing before the first case was detected. The National Pandemic Plan was published in 2006. The Pandemic Influenza National Preparedness Plan was available after being updated in light of experiences gained during the 2009 Influenza A pandemic. Accordingly, Pandemic Coordination Boards and Operation Centers have been established on the national and provincial levels. This was an adaptable plan to the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). We formed teams to work on a 24/7 basis and established a Scientific Committee at the Public Health Emergency Operation Center within the General Directorate of Public Health. "COVID-19 Risk Assessment", "COVID-19 Guideline" and "Case Report Form", regulations of personal protective equipment along with need-based guidelines, treatment algorithms, brochures and related documents have been released. For the case-based follow-up, Public Health Management System (HSYS) is being used. PCR and rapid diagnostic kits are being used to analyze the samples at the central Microbiology Reference Laboratory and the authorized laboratories in several provinces. Various preventive measures were implemented including flight restrictions to certain countries, gradually expanded to suspending all flights and prohibiting the entry of foreign nationals, 14-day isolation and symptom monitoring for those that came from countries under risk. Persons with chronic diseases have been granted an administrative leave, on campus education at schools and activities of public rest and entertainment areas were temporarily suspended. The measures have been implemented for penitentiary institutions, dormitories, nursing homes, public transport and intercity buses, and also weekend curfews are implemented. In accordance with the pandemic plan, actions have been carried out with a multi-sectoral approach, and preventive measures have been implemented to cover the society as a whole.


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