On Nash\'s 4-sphere and Property 2R

D. Nash defined a family of homotopy 4-spheres in [11]. Proving that his manifolds Sm,n,m',n' are all real S4, we show that they have handle decomposition with no 1-handles, two 2-handles and two 3-handles. The handle structures give new potential counterexamples to the Property 2R conjecture.

On Nash\'s 4-sphere and Property 2R

D. Nash defined a family of homotopy 4-spheres in [11]. Proving that his manifolds Sm,n,m',n' are all real S4, we show that they have handle decomposition with no 1-handles, two 2-handles and two 3-handles. The handle structures give new potential counterexamples to the Property 2R conjecture.


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