Module classes and the lifting property

Let R be a ring. A collection of R-modules containing the zero module and closed under isomorphisms will be denoted by X. An R-module M is said to be X-lifting if for every X-submodule N of M there exists A \leq N such that M=A \oplus B and N \cap B is small in B [11]. In the present paper, we consider the question: Can we characterize X-lifting modules via objects of the class X?
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Lifting module, torsion theory

Module classes and the lifting property

Let R be a ring. A collection of R-modules containing the zero module and closed under isomorphisms will be denoted by X. An R-module M is said to be X-lifting if for every X-submodule N of M there exists A \leq N such that M=A \oplus B and N \cap B is small in B [11]. In the present paper, we consider the question: Can we characterize X-lifting modules via objects of the class X?


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  • Muhammet Tamer KOS¸AN Department of Mathematics, Gebze Institute of Technology C¸ ayırova Campus 41400 Gebze, Kocaeli-TURKEY e-mail: