A Neutral relation between metallic structure and almost quadratic ϕ-structure

A Neutral relation between metallic structure and almost quadratic ϕ-structure

In this paper, we give a neutral relation between metallic structure and almost quadratic metric ϕ-structure.Considering N as a metallic Riemannian manifold, we show that the warped product manifold R f N has an almostquadratic metric ϕ-structure. We define Kenmotsu quadratic metric manifolds, which include cosymplectic quadraticmanifolds when $beta=0$. Then we give nice almost quadratic metric ϕ-structure examples. In the last section, weconstruct a quadratic ϕ-structure on the hypersurface $M^n$ of a locally metallic Riemannian manifold $M^{n+1}$


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