A boundary value problem for Bitsadze equation in matrix form

In this work, we investigate the solvability of the problem \frac{\partial2w}{\partial \overlinef 2}=f Re\{if(z)w(z)\}=g1(z),Rew\overlinef(z)=g2(z) z \in \partial D in the unit disk of complex plane. Here f , g1 and g2 are given m \times s-complex matrix-valued functions; f\in Lp (\overline{D}), g1, g2 \in C(\partial D) and f is a generating solution for Q-holomorphic functions.

A boundary value problem for Bitsadze equation in matrix form

In this work, we investigate the solvability of the problem \frac{\partial2w}{\partial \overlinef 2}=f Re\{if(z)w(z)\}=g1(z),Rew\overlinef(z)=g2(z) z \in \partial D in the unit disk of complex plane. Here f , g1 and g2 are given m \times s-complex matrix-valued functions; f\in Lp (\overline{D}), g1, g2 \in C(\partial D) and f is a generating solution for Q-holomorphic functions.


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