0.05). Sonuç olarak E vitamini lipid perok-sidasyonunu azalttığı, dolayısı ile mokozal tahribata engel olduğu görüldü. In this experimental study, free oxygen radi¬cals resporisible for various tissue damages and the ef¬fects of vitamin E, used to eliminate these radicals, were investigated. A total of 34 rats was divided into four groups (control group, stress-induced group, stress+ethanol-induced group and stres+ethanol+vita-min E induced group), and levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), which is a metabolite of free oxygen radicals in stomach tissues, were measured. MDA levels were found to be higher in stress and stress+ethanol groups in respect with control group(p<0.01). MDA levels in vi¬tamin E induced stres+etanol group were found close to those in control group (p>0.05). As a result, it was seen that vitamin E reduced lipid peroxidation, and thus preventing mucosal damage."> [PDF] Sıçanlarda etanol ve stresle oluşturulan gastrik mukozal tahribatın E-vitamini ile değişimi | [PDF] Change of ethanol and stress induced gastric mucosal damage with vitamin-E in rats 0.05). Sonuç olarak E vitamini lipid perok-sidasyonunu azalttığı, dolayısı ile mokozal tahribata engel olduğu görüldü."> 0.05). Sonuç olarak E vitamini lipid perok-sidasyonunu azalttığı, dolayısı ile mokozal tahribata engel olduğu görüldü. In this experimental study, free oxygen radi¬cals resporisible for various tissue damages and the ef¬fects of vitamin E, used to eliminate these radicals, were investigated. A total of 34 rats was divided into four groups (control group, stress-induced group, stress+ethanol-induced group and stres+ethanol+vita-min E induced group), and levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), which is a metabolite of free oxygen radicals in stomach tissues, were measured. MDA levels were found to be higher in stress and stress+ethanol groups in respect with control group(p<0.01). MDA levels in vi¬tamin E induced stres+etanol group were found close to those in control group (p>0.05). As a result, it was seen that vitamin E reduced lipid peroxidation, and thus preventing mucosal damage.">

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