S grubuna göre anlamlı olarak yüksektir. Kronik parankimal karaciğer hastalarında özofagus varis gelişiminin saptanmasında, non-invazif bir yöntem olan dupleks doppler ultrasonografiile tespit edilen portal ven ve splenik ven debi bulgularının yararlı olabileceğini düşünmekteyiz. This study investigated the relationship between the incidence of esophageal varices, splenic and portal vein diameter and blood flow volume, measured by duplex doppler ultrasonography in chronic parenchymal liver disease. 46 patients with chronic liver disease, were divided into two groups according to their splenic and portal vein flow volume findings obtained by duplex doppler ultrasonography. Upper endoscopic examination was done before or after duplex doppler ultrasonography. The presence of esophageal varices, their severity, and the presence of cherry red spots were noted. The findings of endoscopic exam and duplex doppler ultrasonography were then compared. In S>P group (in which the splenic vein flow volume exceeded the portal vein flow volume), the incidence of esophageal varices was significantly higher than the P>S group (in which the portal vein flow volume exceeded the splenic vein flow volume). At the same time, cherry red spots sign, which also significantly higher in the S>P than the P>S group. Acccording to our findings, portal vein and splenic vein flow volume obtanied by duplex doppler ultrasonography can be used to establish the presence of esophageal varices in chronic parencymal liver disease."> [PDF] Kronik parankimal karaciğer hastalığında, dupleks doppler ultrasonografi ile saptanan splenik ven ve portal ven çap ve debileri ile özofagus varis insidansı arasındaki ilişki | [PDF] Relationship between portal and splenic vein diameters, flow volume and incidence of esophageal varices in chronic parenchymal liver disease S grubuna göre anlamlı olarak yüksektir. Kronik parankimal karaciğer hastalarında özofagus varis gelişiminin saptanmasında, non-invazif bir yöntem olan dupleks doppler ultrasonografiile tespit edilen portal ven ve splenik ven debi bulgularının yararlı olabileceğini düşünmekteyiz."> S grubuna göre anlamlı olarak yüksektir. Kronik parankimal karaciğer hastalarında özofagus varis gelişiminin saptanmasında, non-invazif bir yöntem olan dupleks doppler ultrasonografiile tespit edilen portal ven ve splenik ven debi bulgularının yararlı olabileceğini düşünmekteyiz. This study investigated the relationship between the incidence of esophageal varices, splenic and portal vein diameter and blood flow volume, measured by duplex doppler ultrasonography in chronic parenchymal liver disease. 46 patients with chronic liver disease, were divided into two groups according to their splenic and portal vein flow volume findings obtained by duplex doppler ultrasonography. Upper endoscopic examination was done before or after duplex doppler ultrasonography. The presence of esophageal varices, their severity, and the presence of cherry red spots were noted. The findings of endoscopic exam and duplex doppler ultrasonography were then compared. In S>P group (in which the splenic vein flow volume exceeded the portal vein flow volume), the incidence of esophageal varices was significantly higher than the P>S group (in which the portal vein flow volume exceeded the splenic vein flow volume). At the same time, cherry red spots sign, which also significantly higher in the S>P than the P>S group. Acccording to our findings, portal vein and splenic vein flow volume obtanied by duplex doppler ultrasonography can be used to establish the presence of esophageal varices in chronic parencymal liver disease.">

Ulaşmaya çalıştığınız dergi veri tabanımızda bulunmamaktadır. Detaylı bilgi için lütfen editörle iletişime geçiniz, acarindex@gmail.com