0.05), ErbB-2 pozitif olan vakaların hepsinde lenf nodu tutulumunun olması, tümör invazyon derinliğine gö- re T3 (bir vaka) ve T4 (dört vaka) olması ve lokalizasyon olarak kardiada daha fazla görülmesi dikkat çeken bulgulardı. ErbB-2 po- zitif olan vakaların hepsi Lauren'a göre intestinal tip, Dünya Sağlık Örgütüne göre tübüler tipte görüldü. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, mi- de kanserinde ErbB-2 overekspresyonu oranlarına (%15.6) bakıldığında, mide kanseri tanısı konulan hastalarda humanize monok- lonal antikor tedavisi için önemli bir biomarker olan ErbB-2 overekspresyonuna bakılmasının uygun olacağı düşünüldü Background/aims: In the present study, the frequency of ErbB-2 overexpression and its relationship with pathologic parameters on patients with gastric cancer in Eastern Anatolia of Turkey was studied. Materials and Methods: A total of 32 newly diagno- sed patients were enrolled in the study. DNA isolation was performed on paraffinized tumor tissues obtained from patients by en- doscopy or surgical resection. ErbB-2 overexpression was investigated from the isolated DNA by “Real Time Polymerase Chain Re- action”. Results: ErbB-2 positivity was detected in five (15.6%) of 32 gastric cancer patients. The correlation between distant me- tastases and ErbB-2 positivity was found to be statistically significant (p=0.04). Additionally, no statistically significant correlati- on was noted between ErbB-2 positivity and parameters such as level of differentiation (p=0.7), the depth of tumor invasion (p=0.08), lymph node metastases (p=0.6), Lauren’s classification (p=0.4), World Health Organization classification (p=0.3), tumor, node, me- tastasis staging (p=0.3) and tumor localization (p=0.2). Lymph node involvement was present in all ErbB-2 positive patients, the depth of tumor invasion was T3 (one case) and T4 (four cases) with the cardia being the most common location, which was remar- kable, though not statistically significant (p>0.05). All ErbB-2 positive patients were detected with intestinal-type gastric cancer ac- cording to Lauren’s classification and with the tubular-type according to World Health Organization classification. Conclusion: According to our findings, given the rates of ErbB-2 overexpression (15.6%) in gastric cancer, the investigation of ErbB-2 overexpres- sion as an important biomarker in humanized monoclonal-antibody treatment in patients with gastric cancer was considered ap- propriate"> [PDF] Investigation of ErbB-2 Overexpression on Patients with Gastric Cancer in Eastern Anatolia of Turkey | [PDF] Doğu Anadolu bölgesindeki mide kanserli hastalarda ErbB-2 overekspresyonunun değerlendirilmesi 0.05), ErbB-2 pozitif olan vakaların hepsinde lenf nodu tutulumunun olması, tümör invazyon derinliğine gö- re T3 (bir vaka) ve T4 (dört vaka) olması ve lokalizasyon olarak kardiada daha fazla görülmesi dikkat çeken bulgulardı. ErbB-2 po- zitif olan vakaların hepsi Lauren'a göre intestinal tip, Dünya Sağlık Örgütüne göre tübüler tipte görüldü. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, mi- de kanserinde ErbB-2 overekspresyonu oranlarına (%15.6) bakıldığında, mide kanseri tanısı konulan hastalarda humanize monok- lonal antikor tedavisi için önemli bir biomarker olan ErbB-2 overekspresyonuna bakılmasının uygun olacağı düşünüldü"> 0.05), ErbB-2 pozitif olan vakaların hepsinde lenf nodu tutulumunun olması, tümör invazyon derinliğine gö- re T3 (bir vaka) ve T4 (dört vaka) olması ve lokalizasyon olarak kardiada daha fazla görülmesi dikkat çeken bulgulardı. ErbB-2 po- zitif olan vakaların hepsi Lauren'a göre intestinal tip, Dünya Sağlık Örgütüne göre tübüler tipte görüldü. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, mi- de kanserinde ErbB-2 overekspresyonu oranlarına (%15.6) bakıldığında, mide kanseri tanısı konulan hastalarda humanize monok- lonal antikor tedavisi için önemli bir biomarker olan ErbB-2 overekspresyonuna bakılmasının uygun olacağı düşünüldü Background/aims: In the present study, the frequency of ErbB-2 overexpression and its relationship with pathologic parameters on patients with gastric cancer in Eastern Anatolia of Turkey was studied. Materials and Methods: A total of 32 newly diagno- sed patients were enrolled in the study. DNA isolation was performed on paraffinized tumor tissues obtained from patients by en- doscopy or surgical resection. ErbB-2 overexpression was investigated from the isolated DNA by “Real Time Polymerase Chain Re- action”. Results: ErbB-2 positivity was detected in five (15.6%) of 32 gastric cancer patients. The correlation between distant me- tastases and ErbB-2 positivity was found to be statistically significant (p=0.04). Additionally, no statistically significant correlati- on was noted between ErbB-2 positivity and parameters such as level of differentiation (p=0.7), the depth of tumor invasion (p=0.08), lymph node metastases (p=0.6), Lauren’s classification (p=0.4), World Health Organization classification (p=0.3), tumor, node, me- tastasis staging (p=0.3) and tumor localization (p=0.2). Lymph node involvement was present in all ErbB-2 positive patients, the depth of tumor invasion was T3 (one case) and T4 (four cases) with the cardia being the most common location, which was remar- kable, though not statistically significant (p>0.05). All ErbB-2 positive patients were detected with intestinal-type gastric cancer ac- cording to Lauren’s classification and with the tubular-type according to World Health Organization classification. Conclusion: According to our findings, given the rates of ErbB-2 overexpression (15.6%) in gastric cancer, the investigation of ErbB-2 overexpres- sion as an important biomarker in humanized monoclonal-antibody treatment in patients with gastric cancer was considered ap- propriate">

Ulaşmaya çalıştığınız dergi veri tabanımızda bulunmamaktadır. Detaylı bilgi için lütfen editörle iletişime geçiniz, acarindex@gmail.com