YIELD COMPONENTS IN MUNG BEAN [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]

YIELD COMPONENTS IN MUNG BEAN [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]

This study was conducted to evaluate the yield components in mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.)Wilczek] using the correlation, path and factor analyses. It was found that there was considerable variation for the characters studied. Factor 1 composed of 100-grain weight, podlength, pod width, branches per plant and pods per plant. The grain weight was stronglycorrelated with pod length and pod width. Pods per plant were significantly and positivelyassociated with branches per plant. Factor 2 consisted of biological, straw and grainyields. The seed yield was highly associated with biological and straw yields. Factor 3comprised of seed per pod, pods and flowers per peduncle. The fourth factor was onlythe days to flowering. The last factor was plant height. The total factors had 74% ofthe total variance induced by the characters. It was firstly concludedthat the factor analysis together with path and correlationcoefficients could successfully be used for determining characters usable for selection in themung bean breeding programs


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