Proteomic analysis of heterotic seed germination in maize using F1 hybrid DHM 117 and its parental inbreds

  A number of differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) were identified in comparative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis of dry and 24-h water-imbibed seeds of maize F1 hybrid DHM 117 (BML 6 x BML 7) and its parental inbreds. Of the DEPs, 53.4% (86/161) in dry seeds and 58% (127/219) in water-imbibed seeds exhibited a nonadditive pattern in the F1 hybrid as compared to parental inbreds. A total of 30 DEPs were categorized into different biological processes, most of which were related to metabolism and energy (34%), followed by storage proteins (27%), stress response (23%), transcription and translation (7%), cell cycle (3%), and hormone biosynthesis (3%). The transcript accumulation pattern of 8 selected genes corresponding to DEPs was examined using qRTPCR. Interestingly, LEA protein Rab28 showed higher accumulation in dry seeds at both protein and transcript levels, whereas indole- 3-acetaldehyde oxidase showed lower accumulation in water-imbibed seeds of the F1 hybrid than the female parent at the protein level. Thus, the DEPs particularly involved in metabolic and energy processes, as well as hormone biosynthesis in the F1 hybrid, might be responsible for heterotic seed germination in the F1 hybrid. The DEPs identified in this study provide a scope for improving the seed germination trait of agricultural crops.


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