The Effects of Sport on Coexistence And Globalization

The Effects of Sport on Coexistence And Globalization

Globalization covers the whole world with the flow of goods, services, people, capital, information and culture. Withinthis process, connection and movement has intensified among people. Facilities of transportation and communication haveincreased and got easier. Communication and information technology has developed. Physical and digital multiculturalcoexistence area has expanded between people and societies. People from various countries come together at television due tosports events. Sport especially football has a very important place in globalization and coexistence culture. Hereby television,internet and social media have included sport among global trends (2). Many people from various parts of the world sharecommon thought, feeling and behavior on any team, player, match and position. Globalization’s developing coexistence cultureand expanding the area of coexistence via sports has many benefits. However, global system has made sports an industry (2).Everything is built on earnings. The commercialization and commodification of sports, players and spectators weakens humanvalues. Besides, it causes many damages and negative developments. While sports provide coexistence in the globalizationprocess, it may also lead to polarization. However, integration of humanity on common values is necessary for the globalsociety. It is possible for Turkey and Turkish nation to improve coexistence culture via sport in the globalization process, toenrich it and to contribute to humanity. In terms of its history and values, Turkish society can be a global pioneer in sport’sdeveloping coexistence culture (9). In addition, diversification of sports, protection of developer and traditional sports arenecessary in the global process. That people maintain a healthy and fit life is important for the next generations. Protection ofbasic social values by humanity in the global process is possible with physically and mentally healthy people. Sport widenscoexistence area. Communication and information technology supplies many opportunities in this respect. In the globalizationprocess that communication and interaction is gradually increasing, humanitarian and social values have gained moreimportance. Globalization means the variety and wealth of coexistence by protecting obligation, responsibility and values.


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