Sports injuries in 15-17 year-old male athlete students participating on school teams

Sports injuries in 15-17 year-old male athlete students participating on school teams

The purpose of this study is to determine the frequency of the sports injuries in 15-17-year-old male athlete students participating on school teams (volleyball, basketball, football and handball) and their level of knowledge about these injuries. The sample of the research consists of 233 athlete students (n=89 footballers, n=37 volleyball players, n=46 basketball players and n=61 handball players) in 15–17 age group participating on school teams of thirteen different high schools in Kütahya. The questionnaire form developed was used to determine the injuries in athlete students that participated in the study. The data was analysed using SPSS version 22.0. According to the statistical analysis, it was found that the athlete students who got injured most were of footballers with %45.2 (n=47) and those who got injured least were volleyball players with %10.6 (n=11). It was seen that injuries occurred mostly during competitions (n=82). The majority of the athlete students reported that they had very little (n=117) and average (n=107) information on sports injuries. The results showed that injuries occurred more in football and handball players and mostly during competitions. Protective measures need to be taken in the sports, especially in football, handball and basketball, where tackles are frequently experienced during competitions. Also, it was seen that athlete students had very limited knowledge about sports injuries.


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