Comparison of Bone Mineral Density of Dominant and Non-dominant Forearm of Badminton Players

Comparison of Bone Mineral Density of Dominant and Non-dominant Forearm of Badminton Players

Research related to arm bone density of badminton players focused mainly on humerus, how much forearm exposed tophysical load is affected by this stress has been studies less. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate mineral density ofdominant and non-dominant forearm bone mineral density of badminton players who have been regularly playing badmintonfor 10 years. 12 male badminton players whose dominant arms were the same voluntarily participated in this study. BoneMineral Density (BMD) of the players was evaluated with Dual X Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA). Data was evaluated with SPSS23. Controlled research method was used to estimate BMD of the players. Differences between dominant and non-dominantarms were assessed with a non-parametric test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. P value was set at p


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