Kayıp kitaplar kütüphanesi

İlk kez yayınlandığı 2007 yılında Almanya'nın en dikkat çeken kitaplarından biri olan Kayıp Kitaplar Kütüphanesi, kitapların dünyasını şu ana kadar ortaya konulmayan bir yaklaşımla ele alıyor. Kitabın Suskunluğun Bekçisi adını verdiği ilk bölümünde kendisini “kayıp kitaplar kütüphanesinin en alt kademeden kütüphanecisi” olarak tanımlayan Alexander Pechmann bu kitabını yazarının kaleminden kağıda aktarıldığı halde bir şekilde yayınlanmayan/ yayınlanamayan, ancak yayınlanmış olsalardı edebiyat dünyasına silinmeyecek izler bırakacağına inandığı kitaplara ayırmış.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Kayıp, kitaplar, kütüphanesi

The Library of Lost Books

Alexander Pechmann has taken up his pen to introduce the “Library of Lost Books” with, its “librarian, of the lowest grade” and ns “watchman of' silence.” The book has .found a place among the most of popular books in the world of international literature, but somehow has not been published or had a chance to find its readers in Turkey until now; it is a book that follows the trail of books and on every page teaches interesting things related to the universal world of books. The author creates a fantastic library of books that because of their writers' choices or misfortunes have not been able to meet their readers and places these “unfortunate ” books into their own special classifications according to what they have experienced. Pechmann makes the reader a partner in a narrative filled, with humor related to the books’ world. As the reader reads the “lost” books’ story, with the book in hand just as it is experienced and this bookjoins the class of' “books read for pleasure” , the feeling of'being part of'the adventure of the disappearance of the book increases, as does the regard the reader feels for the book and. the world, of the book.