C) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of E-selectin gene with the occurrence of PCOS, and evaluates the relationship between genotypes and clinical/biochemical characteristics of PCOS.Methods: The Ser128Arg polymorphism of E-selectin gene in DNA from peripheral blood leukocytes of 169 PCOS patients and 259 healthy control women were investigated by real-time PCR combined with melting curve analysis using fluorescence-labeled hybridization probes.Results: It was found that insulin resistance (IR) was present in 85 (50%) of women with PCOS. Additionally, insulin (72.8%) levels and HOMA (82.3%) value were higher, and QUIKCI (13.2%) was lower in PCOS women when compared with controls. No significant association between PCOS and the variant allele of E-selectin Ser128Arg (OR: 1.17, 95% CI= 0.751.82) was observed. This polymorphism was found not to affect insulin resistance (IR) indices and lipid profile parameters significantly.Conclusion: These preliminary results suggest that the E-selectin Ser128Arg polymorphism is not a significant risk factor for PCOS alone. However, further studies on the same topic are necessary to support our observation before any statement can be made about the relationship between PCOS and E-selectin polymorphism "> [PDF] E-selektin genin Ser128Arg polimorfizmi polikistik over sendromu ile ilgili değildir | [PDF] The Ser128Arg polymorphism of E-selectin gene is not associated with polycystic ovary syndrome C) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of E-selectin gene with the occurrence of PCOS, and evaluates the relationship between genotypes and clinical/biochemical characteristics of PCOS.Methods: The Ser128Arg polymorphism of E-selectin gene in DNA from peripheral blood leukocytes of 169 PCOS patients and 259 healthy control women were investigated by real-time PCR combined with melting curve analysis using fluorescence-labeled hybridization probes.Results: It was found that insulin resistance (IR) was present in 85 (50%) of women with PCOS. Additionally, insulin (72.8%) levels and HOMA (82.3%) value were higher, and QUIKCI (13.2%) was lower in PCOS women when compared with controls. No significant association between PCOS and the variant allele of E-selectin Ser128Arg (OR: 1.17, 95% CI= 0.751.82) was observed. This polymorphism was found not to affect insulin resistance (IR) indices and lipid profile parameters significantly.Conclusion: These preliminary results suggest that the E-selectin Ser128Arg polymorphism is not a significant risk factor for PCOS alone. However, further studies on the same topic are necessary to support our observation before any statement can be made about the relationship between PCOS and E-selectin polymorphism ">

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