This study focused on the violence in health industry which is a topic that doesn’t have many academical study, lecture, activity report, Project or graduate thesis on. The main aim of the study is to measure the violence tendency of the health workers and encountered violence types of the health workers, also to estimate the main causes of the violence and trying to measure the demographical and social structures of the people carrying out the violence acts. This measurement is being done among the employees of the İstanbul University İstanbul Medical Faculty, the oldest medical Faculty in Turkey, by a perception violence survey. The survey results were interpreted by the frequency analysis method. Those, the method used for the interpreting the results and the target group that the surver was done on increase the importance of the study. As a result of the study, it was seen that violence in the health industry increased as results of the delays in health services and dissatisfaction of people from the health services. The other general results of the study are those; violence by applied generally not by the patients but by the relatives of the patients, generally by the low educated males, all over the hospital,  generally in daytime working hours as verbal insults.


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