The effect of climate change on wetlands and the situation of wetlands in Turkey

The effect of climate change on wetlands and the situation of wetlands in Turkey

Other than uttering a great importance in terms of providing ecological balance and preserving biological diversity, the Wetlands are some ecosystems contributing to the economy of a country a lot. Climate change negatively affects the benefits of these ecosystems. These negative effects result in increase in sea level, The adverse effects are the increase in sea level, the danger of coral reef extinction, the change of hydrological structure, and the change of temperature in the water, leading to the diminishing or complete disappearance of wetland products and services. When the wetlands, also playing an important role in carbon circulation, are converted to be used for other purposes, high deal of carbon and other greenhouse gases cut free in the atmosphere. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the effects of climate change while establishing management plans for wetlands. The aim of this study is to put forward the effects of climate change over the wetland ecosystems, which are, after rainforests, the most important area of life. Additionally, the relative legislation has been scrutinised for the purpose of set forth the current situation of Turkey in terms of wetlands. Treaty of Ramsar (Convention on Wetlands of international Importance) that includes Turkey as a party, and its 9 criteria to define the international importance of wetlands have been taken into account; and the Ramsar areas in our country have been put into the study. Considering the climate change while planning and management of wetlands of wetlands will help preservation of wetlands and ease the effects of climate change.   Keywords: Wetlands, Ramsar Treaty, Ramsar Areas, climate change


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The Turkish Journal Of Occupational / Environmental Medicine and Safety-Cover
  • ISSN: 2149-4711
  • Başlangıç: 2015
  • Yayıncı: Engin TUTKUN