Non-agricultural Pesticide Usa in Industry

Non-agricultural Pesticide Usa in Industry

Although pesticide is known as an ingredient of used in agriculture, they are used in industry and in everywhere and in everyday of life. For example, amusement parks, food production facilities, elevators, hospitals, libraries, parking lots, oil wells, packaging, paper mills, fields related to pet animals, ports, seed breeding oriented agroindustries, waste water treatment, sewage plants, shipyards, shopping centers, swimming pools, water treatment plants, wood processing plants are considered. The use of pesticides are issues that need to be dealt with separately in terms of the final product users and industrial workers contained in this production process. In the first case it can be made various observations in the field of public health. In the second case it should be made the subject of occupational health and safety axes. This study was designed in a methodology embracing both cutting. However, exposure and labor protection measures contained in industrial production was prioritized. In the other words the findings of the study were more decisive in terms of occupational health and safety.
