Toxic effects of herbal medicines: Teucrium polium and acute kidney injury

Toxic effects of herbal medicines: Teucrium polium and acute kidney injury

Herbal medicines are believed to be effective in the treatment of many diseases. The genius Teucrium is amember of Lamiaceae family, which contains more than 300 species. Antimutagenic, anticancer, hypoglycemic,antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiulcer, hypolipidemic and antidiarrheal effects of Teucriumpolium have been reported in the studies. In this article, we describe an acute kidney injury (AKI), which isthought to have developed as a result of T. polium use for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. It should not beforgotten that herbal medicine is an important reason for AKI. In addition, community should be made awareof the danger of herbal medicines which especially have potential renal and hepatic side effects.


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