Bazı Göbekli Portakal Çeşitleri ile Türkiye’de Selekte Edilmiş Bazı Washington Navel Tiplerinin Adana Ekolojik Koşullarında Verim ve Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Washington Navel is a seedless mid-session ripening variety with a characteristic favor and high fruit quality for fresh consumption. Because of this variety is liable to spontaneous mutations, it is possible to select different Washington Navel (WN) types with different fruit quality and ripening time. Hence, 40 WN types were selected between 1979 and 1983 in Turkey and a plot orchard was established in order to evaluate the performances of the selected types under Adana ecological conditions. In this study, those selected genotypes were compared with world-wide cultivated WN varieties (Navelina, Navelate and Frost navel) in fruit yield and quality. In terms of cumulative yield of navel orange varieties and types evaluated for two years including 2011 and 2012, the highest value in Navelina; the lowest value in 39A were determined. According to the results, 31A type had higher fruit weigh then all the selected types and Navelina, Navelate and Frost Washington Navel varieties. The highest fruit height and diameter were also obtained in 31A type whereas the lowest from Navelate. The most round-shaped fruits were determined in 37A type regarding fruit index data. Rind thickness was determined as the highest in 37A type and the lowest in Navelate variety. TSS/Titratable acidity ratio, which is known as the maturity index in citriculture, was highest in 3M ,5M and 8M types whereas the lowest in Frost WN (control). Besides, Frost Washington navel and Navelina yielded the highest juice content and 3M yielded the lowest.

Determining Yield and Quality Traits of Some Navel Orange Varieties and Washington Navel Types Selected in Turkey under Adana Ecological Conditions

Washington Navel is a seedless mid-session ripening variety with a characteristic favor and high fruit quality for fresh consumption. Because of this variety is liable to spontaneous mutations, it is possible to select different Washington Navel (WN) types with different fruit quality and ripening time. Hence, 40 WN types were selected between 1979 and 1983 in Turkey and a plot orchard was established in order to evaluate the performances of the selected types under Adana ecological conditions. In this study, those selected genotypes were compared with world-wide cultivated WN varieties (Navelina, Navelate and Frost navel) in fruit yield and quality. In terms of cumulative yield of navel orange varieties and types evaluated for two years including 2011 and 2012, the highest value in Navelina; the lowest value in 39A were determined. According to the results, 31A type had higher fruit weight then all the selected types and Navelina, Navelate and Frost Washington Navel varieties. The highest fruit height and diameter were also obtained in 31A type whereas the lowest from Navelate. The most round-shaped fruits were determined in 37A type regarding fruit index data. Rind thickness was determined as the highest in 37A type and the lowest in Navelate variety. TSS/Titratable acidity ratio, which is known as the maturity index in citriculture, was highest in 3M ,5M and 8M types whereas the lowest in Frost WN (control). Besides, Frost Washington navel and Navelina yielded the highest juice content and 3M yielded the lowest
Tarım Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 2008
  • Yayıncı: Nobel Bilim ve Araştırma Merkezi Limited
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