Changing Migration Mobility and Migration Policies During the Covid-19 Process
Changing Migration Mobility and Migration Policies During the Covid-19 Process
This study was created to reveal the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on migration mobility and migration policies. In this study, which was created in a theoretical context, migration movements were tried to be explained in three stages: pre-epidemic, epidemic process, and post-epidemic context. The social isolation measures implemented on a global scale at the beginning of the pandemic showed that the actors reduced their social practices from the public sphere to the private sphere in the coronavirus process, which exhibited a social change. The pandemic process was left out of the international agenda of migration movements, and the problems experienced by immigrants were ignored. It is thought that the epidemic, which is a state of social change, has the characteristics of a global pandemic and that after the epidemic, anti-immigrant sentiment has increased, and migration mobility will change Illusions in the social structure that immigrant individuals will increase the epidemic trigger anti-immigration.
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