Uygulayıcılara Göre Yaz Kur’an Kursları Uygulaması ve Denetimi Üzerine Değerlendirme

Araştırmanın amacı, yaz döneminde isteyen öğrencinin devam ettiği Kur’an kurs sürecini yürüten ve programıuygulayan kurs görevlilerinin ve bu süreci denetleyen eğitim müfettişlerinin görüşleri doğrultusunda; kurslarının etkililik düzeylerinin ve bu süreçte yönetmelik gereği kursun denetiminin il milli eğitim müdürlüğü denetim birimlerine verilmesinden dolayıdenetimlerin verimliliğinin araştırılmasıdır. Bu araştırma, mevcut durumu olduğu gibi yansıttığıiçin tarama modelinde betimsel bir araştırmadır. Mevcut araştırma nitel ve nicel araştırma metodlarının birlikte işe koşulduğu karma desenli bir araştırmadır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, Tokat il Müftülüğü’nde yaz Kur’an kurslarında görevli personeli ve Tokat il milli eğitim müdürlüğüne bağlıeğitim müfettişleri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri, araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan anketle toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde her bir maddenin frekans, yüzde, aritmetik ortalamasıve Mann Whitney U testinden yararlanılmıştır. Ayrıca kursu uygulayan görevlilerin görüşve önerilerinin alınmasıamacıyla açık uçlu sorulara verilen yanıtların ortak olanlarıda dikkate alınarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda; Kursun genel olarak işlevselliğine ilişkin görüşlere bakıldığında kurs görevlileri ile eğitim müfettişleri arasında anlamlıbir fark görülmemektedir. Kurs denetiminin işlevselliğine ilişkin kurs görevlileri ile eğitim müfettişlerinin görüşleri arasında anlamlıfark görülmektedir. İlköğretim müfettişleri denetimin amacına uygun olarak yapıldığınıdüşünürlerken, kurs görevlileri daha olumsuz düşündükleri görülmektedir. Kurs görevlilerinin görüşleri incelendiğinde genel olarak; velilerin ilgisizliği, programın yoğunluğu, hizmet-içi eğitimin yetersizliği ve denetim sürecinden genel bir rahatsızlığın olduğu görülmektedir. İlköğretim müfettişlerinin görüşleri incelendiğinde genel olarak, kurs görevlilerinin hizmet-içi eğitim seminerinden geçirilmeleri, kurs görevlilerinin zamana ve yönetmeliğe uymalarıgerektiği, kursların işlevselliği açısından, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığıile Milli Eğitim Bakanlığıkurumlarının program alanında işbirliği yapmalarıgerektiği konularıöne çıkmaktadır. Kurs görevlilerine öğretim yöntem ve teknikleri, gelişim psikolojisi, öğretim teknolojisi konularında hizmet-içi eğitim semineri verilebilir.

An Assessment of Summer Koran Courses Practice and Audit With Respect to the Practitioners

Audit can be defined as the control of human behaviors for the benefit of public and the institution Taymaz, 2005 . Başar 1994: 148-149 defines audit as an integration of activities composed of elements such as status determination, assessment, correction, and improvement. In Turkish National Education System, there is a Primary School Inspectors Directorate which is subordinate to the Provincial Directorate for National Education. The purpose of this directorate is to audit the education provided in the cities and decide whether it achieves its goals or not. Jurisdiction of primary school inspectors in cities is considerably wide. It is observed that primary school inspectors are assigned with the duty of auditing education in all kinds of private or public institutions. Audits of summer schools are also among these duties. It is important to indicate that students attend to summer schools voluntarily. Koran courses are educational institutes which are opened as due 7/d article of the Law number 633 about the constitution and duties of Religious Affairs Directorate. They operate according to the provisions of the respective directive of the same law. The purpose of Koran courses emanated from the need for learning the Koran can be summarized as to teach how to read Koran in an appropriate way or to help memorizing it, to teach the explanation of the texts from Koran, to introduce the Prophet’s life and exemplary morality, to enlighten the participants in parallel with the beliefs, prayers, and ethics principles of Islam religion, and to give necessary religious information about everyday life of a Muslim Sucu, 1999 . It should be noted that attending to Koran courses is voluntary. According to Akyürek 2005 , when the tasks expected from a Koran course student are analyzed, the following facts are observed: Teacher, first of all, should have domain knowledge to teach Koran and other religious information. Moreover, in order to be able to teach the domain knowledge to the target population, educational knowledge and skills are required. In addition to this, the teacher should have general knowledge to be able to relate the domain knowledge to the everyday lives of the students. In order for the teachers to be equipped with these basic requirements, they should be trained with domain knowledge, educational knowledge and skills, and general knowledge prior to the service. The purpose of audit in education is to find the realization levels of the pre-determined educational and training objectives and the most appropriate values and operations for those educational and training objectives Aydın, 2007 . The purpose of this study is to determine the status of the course audits performed by primary school inspectors as required by the purpose of audit with respect to those who go under auditing process. Whether the course audits reach their objectives or not is determined by taking into account those who are inspection. The purpose of the study is to analyze the efficacy levels of the courses and the efficiencies of the audits since they are under the jurisdiction of provincial national education directorate audit units as required by the directive. This is achieved by collecting the views of the course officials who carry out the Koran course process attended by those voluntary students in summer and the primary school inspectors who audit this process. The research is important for both its analyzing the efficiency of courses attended by students during summer and analyzing the efficiency of a study carried out by two different institutions. For this reason, answers to the following questions are sought: What is the efficiency of audit process with respect to the course officials who carry out the course? What are the views and suggestions of the course officials? Are the differences between the views of inspectors who audit the courses and the course officials about the functionality of the course significant? What are the views and suggestions of primary school inspectors? This study is a descriptive research with survey model since it reflects the current situation as is. Present research is a mixed pattern study where both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used at the same time. The population of the research is composed of the personnel in charge of summer Koran courses in Tokat Province Mufti Organization and primary school inspectors working under Tokat Province National Education Directorate. The data of the research are collected via a questionnaire which is prepared by the researchers. For the validation of the questionnaire, views of five academic people from Gaziosmanpasa University, four primary school inspectors from Tokat Province National Education Directorate, and three course officials working under Tokat Province Mufti Organization are gathered. In accordance with the views, 18 questions of the primary questionnaire are decreased to 14. The reason for discarding those 4 questions is to avoid the possibility of any argument among the institutions. Inner consistency coefficient of the questionnaire is .79. In the analysis of the data, frequency, percentile, arithmetic mean and Mann Whitney U test are utilized. Moreover, answers to those open ended questions intended for collecting the views and suggestions of course officials are also analyzed by taking into account the commonalities. As a result of the study; When the demographic variables of the research are analyzed, it is observed that 84.5% of the officials are men and the remaining 15.5% are women. Many of the course officials are university graduates and their duration of occupation is accumulated either on 1-5 years or 21 years or more. More than half of the officials are occupied in city and district centers. When the numbers of students are analyzed, it is observed that there are groups of at most 11-20 students. According to the course officials: the course was liked by the students. The students were treated in a kindhearted and appreciative way. Parents were in connection with the respective course official about the development of the students. Course officials seem to be partially satisfied with the duration, place, student status, program, and daily lectures of the course. Course officials agreed that the parents send their children voluntarily. It is observed that the course officials agree with the view that primary school inspectors provide positive contributions to the efficacy and efficiency levels, attitudes and behaviors, and course process at medium level as well as they are indecisive about the issue. When the items in the questionnaire are analyzed in general, it is observed that the course officials assess the functionality of the course at medium level. When the views of the course officials are analyzed, it is observed in general that the parents are disinterested, program is intensive, in-service training is insufficient, and there is a general discomfort arising from the audit process. There are no significant differences between the views of the course officials and primary school inspectors about the functionality of the courses. While both two groups assess the course functional at medium level, course officials think more positively. There is a significant difference between the views of the course officials and primary school inspectors about the functionality of the course audits. While primary school inspectors think that the audits are performed in accordance with their purpose, course officials think more negatively. When the views of primary school inspectors are analyzed in general, it is observed that course officials should have in-service training seminars, course officials should follow time and directive. Religious Affairs Directorate and Ministry of National Education should collaborate on the program area. For in-service training, inter-institutional collaboration might be utilized. Course officials can be provided in-service training seminars on teaching methods and techniques, development psychology, and education technology. Inter-institutional collaboration might be used for the program of the course. Studies for consciousness-raising about the issue can be conducted for parents. Primary school inspectors and course officials may come together before the course is started and they may exchange requests and suggestions. New arrangements can be done about the classrooms of the course.


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