KOBİ’lerde Kriz Yönetimi: K.Maraş’ta Tekstil Sektöründeki KOBİ’lerde Bir Uygulama

K.Maraş’ta tekstil sektöründe faaliyet gösteren 45 KOBİüzerinde gerçekleştirilen araştırmada, işletmelerin kriz yönetimini kurumsallaştırmaya yönelik bir çalışma yapıp yapmadıkları, eğer yapıyorlarsa bu çalışmaların türü ve özellikleri ve düzeyinin ne olduğu sorularına yanıt bulmak amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplamada anket yönteminden yararlanılmışve veriler SPSS istatistik tekniği ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, K.Maraş’ta tekstil sektöründe faaliyet gösteren KOBİ’lerin kriz yönetimini kurumsallaştırma çabasıiçerisinde olduklarıfakat bu çabanın bilimsel temellere dayalı, bilinçli ve profesyonel olarak yerine getirilmediği belirlenmiştir. İşletmelerde yaşanan krizlerin sonuçlarıincelendiğinde; ortakların güvenlerinin zedelenmesi, satışlarda düşüşler yaşanması, kârın ve kârlılığın olumsuz etkilenmesi, verimliliğin azalması, prestij kayıplarının olması, dışdünya ile ilişkilerin bozulma , yönetim kararlarının merkezileşmesi, uyum yeteneğinin azalması, gerilimin artması, stres düzeyinin artması, örgüt içi iletişimin bozulması, çalışanlarda motivasyon eksikliğinin oluşması, karar sürecinin bozulmasıve örgütsel küçülme eğiliminin ortaya çıkmasıgibi faktörleri saymak mümkündür.

Crisis Management in SMES: An Application Of SMES In Textile Sector In K.Maraş

The purpose of this study is to present in which level the crisis management in SMEs are institualizated as administrational and organizational. For this purpose in first part of this study, term of SME and its importance, crisis term and its scope, crisis and relations between SME’s, crisis management and applications used in crisis management are discussed. In research part of the study, are the SMEs in textile sector in K.MARAŞ doing any application for institualizating the crisis management. If they do sort and properties of these applications and in which level they are doing these applications are tried to present. Even if the big companies dominion is continuining significantly, it is possible to Express that SMEs are very important for cities, states and countries. Because of the SMEs flexibility of comformance to changing market conditions, their talent of substitution of big companies, contributions to interregional balaced growth, positive effects to environmental protection and their important role to provide income distrubition fairly are known facts. On the other hand SMEs are main source of the technologic developments because of their felexibility to innovations and they can easily overcome with respect to big companies. General Directorate responsible from SMEs in EU Commission stated that their main puspose is developing exisiting companies and to support and facilitate establishment of the new companies. When SMEs importance for Turkey is checked, SMEs comprise 98 % of the all companies and 56,3 % of the total employement. Share of the SMEs in total investments are 26,5 %,38 % in added value. Bulut and others, 2006: 152 . In this sense that can be expressed that SMEs have an important part of national economy. So, to settle competition in a country and to continue this competition and to rescue economy form recession are possible with supporting SMEs which are the locomotive of the economic vitality. When we check results of the crisis in companies we can see; shareholders damaged trust, decreases in sales, the negative impact of profit and profitability, reduction of productivity, loss of prestige, breakdown of the international relations, centralization of the administrative decisions, reduction of adaptability, stress increasing, brakdown of the organization's internal communication, lack of motivation, breakdown of decision process and minimizing organizational tendency. As a result, although the managers of the SMEs express that they apply crisis management studies, these studies are condensing during the crisis. So the company administrations are in effort for institutionalizing to render crisis management more efficiently but these efforts are not based on scientific basis and not apllied consciously and professionally. On the other hand; companies crisis management efforts are not based on scientific basis and these efforts are not applying for its purpose consciously. However, it can be expressed that the works of the crisis management of the SMEs in scope of the study before and during the crisis are “reactive” then “proactive” and they apply an “interactive” policy after crisis. Three processes are usually used in organizations to overcome the crisis. The first management is before the crisis, second during the crisis and the last process is after the crisis. The purpose of the crisis mangement during the pre-crisis conditions is to detect the crisis before the crisis conditions take place and to use the crisis conditions for success. Crisis management during crisis is to predict the possible crisis situation and take necessary precautions to avoid the crisis and to determine ways of avoidance


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